The Benefits Of Business Stationery

Printed business stationery is an important and effective marketing and advertising tool for all businesses – investing in quality, professional business stationery provides your company with practical printed items you use daily in your business but can also help encourage and attract new customers and help cement your relationships with existing contacts and clients by presenting a professional image of your company. Here are reasons why your company should consider utilising professional printed branded business stationery:


Although some feel that printed stationery is a little ‘old-fashioned’ in the modern business environment, it still plays an important and influential role in a company’s marketing and advertising tools.

Whilst it looks smart to produce your tablet or laptop at a meeting, sometimes what you really need is something on which to make a note of and simply quickly write down. Making use of notepads and pens doesn’t make you a Luddite – they are often the quickest and easiest tool for recording what’s been said in a meeting, or for any salient points in your discussion or presentation in which you are involved.

Professionally printed business stationery gives the impression of an organised and efficient business.  Branded stationery looks smart and professional, and personalised stationery – notepads, envelopes and such – are ideal to distribute at meetings and business events to other attendees – they are useful tools for others that also act as regular reminders to them of your business.

Consistent Advertising

Branded business stationery is duel-purposed – not only is it a daily functional tool for around the office or workplace, it also acts as subliminal advertising! Whilst your personalised stationery isn’t distributed as a marketing item, every time another business uses an item of your branded stationery items, they are subjected to your company name and logo – these stationery items are subtle brand reinforcement every working day!

This makes them an extremely cost-effective marketing tool for business whilst fulfilling an important function on a daily basis. Branded business stationery is not expensive to produce and is easy to distribute, so can be accessed by many different people/businesses every day reinforcing your corporate name and image with every use!

Environmental Responsibility 

Your printed business stationery offers you the opportunity to demonstrate your corporate responsibility to the green issues that have become so prominent for businesses to strive to achieve.

Environmental awareness and responsibility have become an important aspect of all business and industry arenas in recent years – indeed, many companies will only deal with clients and providers that can demonstrate this environmental approach to their products, services, and business practices.

Having your business stationery produced on recycled paper and using vegetable, or other environmental-friendly, printing inks can produce high-quality printed products whilst also demonstrating that all-important acknowledgement of the green issues.

Business Cards

A business card is very often the first item a prospective new client or customer will receive from you – it is the item of business stationery that will project an impression of yourself and your business.  We all know how important it is to make a good first impression and a quality business card will create that positive impact with a potential new customer or business connection. This initial impact makes business cards probably the most important item of business stationery – they have been distributed at business events for many years and continue to be effective even in these fast-paced digital and social media platform business environments!

Not only does your business card mark the first interaction you will have with a new contact or client, whether it is at an arranged meeting or business function event or conference, remember it is the one item that your new contact will take away with them as a reminder of their conversation with you – so it is important that it looks good and professional.

If your business card is of high-quality then it will likely make a positive impression and the recipient may well assume that the product or service, you and your company offer will be of similar professional quality.

Likewise, if your business card is unimaginative and printed on poor quality material, the recipient’s impression will follow suit for your services – NOT the impression you want to make! Always ensure that your business cards are well-designed and professionally printed on quality material. 

Brand Image

Your company’s business stationery is a marketing tool in its own right – it can showcase your corporate aims, objectives, values and messages as well as your company logo and colours. A strong brand identity is vital in creating and delivering a positive image to your existing, and any potential, new customers.  


Your business stationery should match and/or complement all your other marketing tools and products – this helps promote consistency across your brand and increases the brand image and customer relationships mentioned earlier – it presents a professional and high-quality image of your business.

Cost Effective

Your business stationery is an essential tool for everyday business – but it also serves as a marketing and advertising vehicle for your company and, in comparison to other forms of advertising, it proves a very cost-effective form of marketing.

Networking Tools

An essential element of your corporate marketing is networking – attendance at business events, conferences, functions and trade fayres are ideal opportunities to advertise your business and reinforce your market presence. When displaying at these events it is essential that you furnish your stand – and staff – with professional-looking stationery.

Business cards and items such as branded complement slips, appointment cards, loyalty cards, letterheads, postcards, envelopes and brochures are all effective forms of marketing and brand reinforcement, so having them available to distribute at these events will enhance your appeal and reputation.

Personal Touch

Printed business stationery such as appointment cards, loyalty cards and complement slips offer the opportunity to give your customer that ‘personal touch’.

  • Appointment cards demonstrate an organised and professional business, showing that you are serious about your customers and value their time as well as your own, but within this organised ‘formality’ you are also demonstrating that you are dealing personally with this customer or business.
  • Consider printed loyalty cards for your business to distribute to customers and clients – customers are more likely to hold on to a card that offers an incentive of some kind – perhaps a discount or other reward, and they are more likely to refer to, or use, it more frequently than others. You could even consider introducing some form of loyalty aspect to your corporate business cards – an innovative way to ensure your details are retained by the recipients and, again, a simple tool that encourages repeat business and a constant source of brand reinforcement whenever they are used!
  • Complement Slips – Including a little handwritten note on a printed complement slip with any product or correspondence you give or send to a client, demonstrates that you have personally dealt with their enquiry/request and makes the transaction seem more individual and the client more important. These little gestures, as such, can be incredibly important in building a rapport and relationship with a client – it adds to their overall experience and will encourage them to deal with you again.

Increased Business – Professionally designed and printed business stationery items can increase your image and brand along with inspiring confidence for your customers and encouraging greater interaction with your business and its products and services. Contact us today to see how we can help you.